Maze & blogging help please!
today is Rhys' birthday party. We are so excited to go.She turns one! Here is a few pictures from yesterday when I took the boys to the maze. I'll tell you more about that later, I have to go and start getting the kids ready.
- I didn't realize there was a cap to how many photos you could put on before paying, and I have so many to show you, more layouts like crazy, so I definitely have to decide this weekend what I'm going to do!
switch to typepad $9 a month for as much as you want nearly - pencillines is on the $9 one and look at what it has....
better format, easier to control and more options :)
plus the $9 gives you 3 blogs - one for family, 1 for work, and 1 for resume/event etc :)
Blogger uses Picasa to store your pics.... you can add storage to your blogger here
I personally used typepad for a minute but I did not like it as much as blogger, but I also see a lot of people switching.
can you delete some of your older posts... or make an archives blog? like say for all of 2006... and make a link to that? that way your stuff is still available, just one more link to get there
I didn't realize that, either! Hmmm... I wonder if that's why some of the other folks have switched to typepad (including Elsie)? I know I pay for my flickr account.
One tip, I convert all of my photos to low-res before I post them on the net. Saves space and things load quicker!
Hey Lecia, I have no idea about the whole blog switcher over thing, but, I hope you get it figured out because I like to see your pictures and don't want to miss anything!!!!
Also, HUGE congrats on the design teams - that is absolutely fabulous - you deserve it all!
Which maze did you go to?
Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm still going to blog this week as usual, just no pics. I'll make my decision by the end of the week. Also the corn maze I went to is located on Valley Road at the Strawberry Ranch. It is fun! But if you are going to take young kids, take lot's of provisions.
I love your blog Leica, so please keep it going!
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