Thursday, May 17

awesome day!

here is a cute shot I took of the boys eating toast yesterday morning. I don't know why Riley got a little kooky but it's fun times right? So tonight was t-ball. riley's very first time playing it. It was so much fun , and Jim got in just in time to see it so it was fantastic! The boys were so excited!

I absolutely love how carefree this shot is. He is so happy.
so here is our switch hitter. He is actually really good at both sides, so we'll have to work on which is going to be his dominant side.
Too bad this is blurry, I'm not quick enough setting up the shots with the SLR yet. Someday. I still like it though.
Here is our cutie!
here is the determination photo. I totally can see this boy playing football in his future. He just is built for it.
Hope you guys liked these pics. I can't believe how lucky we are to have such healthy boys. We sure are having fun teaching all these new sports with the boys. They love being outdoors, and just love having fun.