Sunday, May 6

I was tagged, just slow in responding.... sorry Kelly!

7 random things about me...

  1. I am an insomniac, for real, I'd truthfully rather scrapbook than sleep (it's like 4:00am as I type this right now) I have actually dreamt some of my best layouts and have woken up in the midle of the night to sketch them out..
  2. I always sleep on Jim's side of the bed when he is out of town. I don't think I've slept on my side even once. And sometimes I'd wear his shirts around the house before I would wash them because they smelled like him, and 2 of his colognes make me weak in the knees.
  3. I absolutely love the smell of men's cologne & coffee, and most definitely right before it rains. okay Melina, I'm not stealing your ideas but I agree with you, the fresh cut grass is a must too. I loved the grass smell so much I bought those Gap scented candles that were fresh cut grass, and stocked up on them when I found out they were being discontinued.
  4. I am a shoe, handbag, professional hair supplies, Lancome makeup & costume jewelery -aholic. of course scrapbooking too. can't help it, I try to resist. I did get better with the shoes & handbags because I was "suggested to" donate a lot of my shoes and handbags since our walk in closet was too full the DAY we moved into our brand new house and why do I need 12 different black purses??? men just don't understand. I go for new makeup 3 times a year, and absolutely love it, and when I get home I try new "looks" with my new makeup. (because I go through the Casper skin colour, getting a tan to super tan, therefore the 3 times a year) and the jewelery, well I used to make & sell it years ago and just love making new stuff and of course Pam keeps me well stocked on her latest finds.
  5. I love to watch Jim in his morning routine, especially if he doesn't realize I'm watching. The best part is he also has 2 other lurkers(Riley & Jager) they will absolutely copy his routine when he is not around. Riley has "cut" himself shaving twice when I didn't realize he was in our bathroom. totally freaked me out. But he always wants deodorant & cologne and he loves to style his hair like Uncle Steven.
  6. oh and like Brittany, I don't think there is a family member in our house that pees with the door closed. sorry! we do try when guests are here though.
  7. I am very ambitious and will try new things all the time. I rarely quit anything only if I'm super unhappy where I'm at, I usually will do a task until it is complete, otherwise I just learn something new and add it to my list of jobs. I currently am a teacher, hairdresser, truckdriver, scrapbook teacher, I've lifeguarded, worked retail (never again!!!!!)been a babysitter/nanny for the summer, modelled and did hair on stage for an American company at the big hair shows. and if there's a chance that I'll make more money knowing a new skill I'll do it to make that potential money.

  • kay here's some more, since I'm on a roll...
  • I absolutely can not watch a movie or tv show without "doing" something. I cannot sit, and I become very agitated if I have to. but we go to the drive-ins so much and I do just watch movies there.
  • I can't stand being late. Pet Peeve, pet peeve, pet peeve!
  • I love to iron, but truthfully have only ironed a handful of times since the boys have been born. I hate putting laundry away.
  • I love lists, and especially when I can cross stuff off when I accomplish things. I've made lists since I was able to write and I actually always write out new goals to achieve
  • I sing to the radio all the time, and totally do the best Little Ritchie imitations, or Sting's "Roxanne". If someone else pulls up in their vehicle and is singing to I turn the station to see what they are singing to. (I don't do this all the time now, as I listen to satellite radio more)
  • I do not procrastinate
  • Jim & I are constantly leaving secret hidden notes in each other's stuff for each other to find randomly. letters, sticky notes on mirrors, texts, messages on answering machines, notes in our day planners. We do it so often that now Riley coloured a page and "hid" it in Jim's bag for him to find on the road. Jim loved it, and I knew that we are raising our children to be respectful & loving to their spouse, super proud mom moment!

okay time to stop, I just realized that I could obviously do some more layouts for my "she" album. Thanks Kelly for the nudge, I just might scrapbook a random things about me layout.

My best random fact is:

  • I love my Jim, Riley & Jager so much. I strive to be the best Martha Stewart type mom & wife, who has the cute little lunches, fun baked goods, little notes to my kids & husband, etc. I don't always succeed, but I'd rather spend time decorating cupcakes just to see Riley & Jager's excitement then doing something for myself. I don't have a super clean house, as I would rather scrapbook than clean but I do envy those who can do it all.

  • I hope you enjoyed these facts. I actually hate beyond hate chain letters, but I like that this challenge made me think about myself in a different way. Thank you Kelly. sorry I was late responding. It's beena whirlwind lately around here!


Kelly said...

Lecia, found it so ironic that your pet peeve is being late and that you do not procrastinate and yet this response to my challenge was late!!!!! ... lol....
Totally kidding, I wanted to do this challenge for awhile and never quite got around to it! I guess it is Spring and everything seems like so much more fun!
Thanks so much for the random tips - I loved this game, got to know people better - we should do it again soon :)

scrappaleica said...

Actually Kelly, I was so busy the end of this week with all the details for the cruise that I didn't do much blog surfing so I missed the day you posted the challenge. But I caught up. thanks for the inspiration!!!! had so much fun.

Kelly said...

Congrats for being a chosen to be an Instructor on the Cruise - that is so HUGE!!!!! You will rock, I am soo happy for you!

scrappaleica said...

thanks for the well wishes Kelly. you should come and scrap & enjoy the Mexican Riviera with your husband!