Monday, May 21

Weekend at the farm-absolutely relaxing!

So, do you want to know the coolest thing about my dad??? He is such a romantic and has always spoiled my mom in the neatest ways. Of course the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, my grandpa is such a total romantic(can write the book on the greatest love of all type of relationship)But if you notice, my dad is giving my sons a grooming lesson. I took this picture without them knowing. He told the boys that girls and mommies and grandmas love getting flowers and that they should always do nice things for girls and their moms.So dad and the boys went and picked 4 different kinds of flowers off of trees and bushes and made me an arrangement. Each boy would run inside to give me a new flower when they picked one. It was so adorable. This is really important. Important role models in boys lives, ones who pass on respect and encourage sons to grow up and become outstanding people and husbands and dads. I'm so proud that when my boys get to spend time with my dad, he chooses to teach them or enforce them little life lessons that will help them be better people. Anybody can "watch" kids, but I like it when those who are helping Jim & I raise our children help to shape them as well.

The boys both have colds too, so we didn't do too much at the farm this weekend. Grandpa gave the kids cowboy hats to wear. They had fun playing with them.
Jager playing with grandpa's cowboy hats too!
It's so funny how when life is so busy and it feels like you are too tired with too many things to do ... I love the escape I get from the farm. I couldn't possibly have more things to get accomplished before June. I literally need more time, but I was just totally being consumed by a migraine for the last week and was barely functioning. I have a few too many things on my mind, and besides the fact that I never sleep well, now I am sleeping even less than before.Also the worst part is my hair. My hair needs a serious cut, it is almost down to my bum and it is thicker than most horse's tails, so just the weight of it alone is adding to my migraines , I cant even keep it in a ponytail for very long. So this question is for real...Does anyone know a truly great hairdresser??? I hate looking for one, and have had my share of unbelievably bad hair cuts & colours. The problem is, there are awesome ones out there, but I have such thick and super curly hair that most people don't know where to begin. So I need your help!
  • oh and I totally almost forgot to tell you this crazy thing, mom & I caught these 2 punks trespassing on our land and rifling through our older buildings, they told us a total lie of course how they were just taking pictures of amazing old buildings because that was their thing. They were dressed in work clothes, covered in oil & dirt and had work gloves on. So I asked them where their cameras were then, and proceeded to show them mine. So after another lie was told, I told them to pose for a picture then, they turned and left immediately. Of course I took pics anyways,got pics of their truck, license plate, everything I could, and then we called the cops. So hopefully they get picked up for theft, or trespassing at the very least. I don't know what will come of it, but it's amazing how people don't respect other's stuff.


Julie Cortens said...

Those cowboy hats are sooo cute! This is such a wonderful age - I miss not being able to do fun things with my little boys...but some day soon I hope I will get to do stuff with my grandkids - even more fun cause I am allowed to spoil them!

scrappaleica said...

Julie,I think you will be the coolest grandma ever! and yes, I think that is your right of priviledge to spoil them!