Thursday, May 10

our funny super hero!

So, again, while outside with dad. (I think daddy let's Riley do silly stuff just for his own pure amusement!) Anyways, riley is big into learning to roller blade right now, he loves it and of course he's not very good at it yet, but none the same he's excited! So he knows he has to put all his protective gear on to rollerblade, today he was trying to ride his bike without training wheels and tipped over. He came in and told me he needed his protective gear to "save him". So he suited up, and since his dad told him his bike helmet was girly, he should wear his hockey helmet because it is "manly". So of course he listens to daddy. He ditched his bike and I took some pics while he was on Jager's trike. So are we park bound or what??? notice the rubber boots too? when we've had no rain. and the goggles...well what can I say??? a 3 yr old who has a "unique" style, and just doesn't care about what he looks like. I love this guy!


Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing I've seen today! He looks so proud of himself, too cute! Thanks for sharing the giggle...

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! What a cutie-patootie!! Priceless! Do you think he might be the class clown?? Life's little momemnts..... jennifer