Monday, April 16

Challenge #4- use a mask

Hi! so did anyone enjoy today?? Can you believe the weather? I had a few appointments and then permed gramma's hair, but otherwise the kids , gramma & I were out the entire day until right now. (7pm) we did so much walking and playing at the park. Riley & I played tag. It was so much fun. The kids are so super tired now. So anyways, a big congratulations to Evan & Carla, Ethan ,Brooke Shoforost on the arrival of Jett Ryan Shoforost. I'm so happy Carla & Jett are doing well. So that's cool.
This challenge is for Jody. How do you use these Heidi Swapp masks? So I decided why not show a few ways to use these. So this weeks challenge is to use any mask and scrapbook with it. If you've done something pretty cool with one of these send me the pic and I'll post it. Remember you can always email me pics long after the challenge is up too. I've made an area that you can click on " challenges" that will lead you to see all the challenges together. Tomorrow I'll give you tips on how to use them. Below are just a few samples of masks. Heidi Swapp makes so many and they are unbelievably easy to use.
oh and by the way, go check out Jody's layout that she did for Melina's scrapbook your favourite things.
I'm so pumped. I've been telling Jody and her mom! that they should scrapbook, Jody's very creative so I knew she'd be great at it and she is!!!! Jody, I am so proud of you, and Pam, Melina & I had so much fun scrapbooking with you the other day. Can't wait to see you at Scraptology's Family Album Class on Wednesday. You are going to have so much fun because this class is totally filled with spectacular ladies who I have fun scrapbooking with. You'll have to bring your mom to the next one!!!!

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