Monday, April 2

Hit A snag!

Okay, I have 2 winners for the 1000 post. Corrine & Jody. You guys both emailed me. So I will clear up why I have 2 winners. (and Jody I will send you a package as well.) I changed my site counter so that it only adds people if they are new, versus everytime you check in or change a page. For example, if you check my blog in the morning and then at night, it will not add you again at night. I did this because I wanted an accurate account of the traffic coming to my blog. and if I am actually having new & different people coming or are they the same people. Some sites have it so that it adds you everytime you come & go, check out a profile, open a layout, for everything. So that means one person could hit me like 10 or more times if they wanted to in a row. I thought for the contest it would eliminate people just constantly refreshing to become the 1000 person. I guess I didn't quite think it through. So I will give out 2 prizes!!! yeah!!! On Thursday though, I am going to change it so that you are a specific comment #, and you won't know this because it will be totally random because the emails are sent to me. So it will be a total surprise!!! Hopefully this cleared up any questions.


scrappaleica said...

yes I will post the emails as I receive them, I will not play favourites. If you don't like a post number, tell me, maybe I'll draw out of a hat instead.

Aaron, Kate, Will and Wyatt said...

Is the Jody Kowalenko that won from the Asquith area (perdue)? I know you! Way to go on the package!

scrappaleica said...

Hi Aaron, Kate & Will, yes you have the right Jody!! Cool that you guys know each other!

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh... how do I know you, Aaron, Kate & Will?