Friday, April 6

Challenge Response

How's it going? Did everyone have a great week? So let's see some of the challenges. I'm going to create an area where you can continue throughout the year doing any of the challenges at your own pace. If you want to show me, I'll post them. Challenge #1: a layout about scrapbooking. I wrote:Why do I scrapbook? I want to realive the good & bad times. I want to remember moments that we would sure be likely to forget if not documented. I want to laugh again and cry again. I want the release, the joy I get from exploring my creative side. I want the feeling of anticipation I get when my family is about to look at my latest page. I want to document our life for our future, our family yet to come. But mostly, I scrapbook to remember. Challenge #2: Journal From the Heart (the following scrapbooker would like to remain anonymous, but let's give a shout out to her for entering. Way to go!!!)

Here is my layout about how I feel losing our third child:
journaling reads: the nightmare was over. I just returned from the hospital. I was empty now, a little lost, but mostly stunned. So where do we go from here? I was alone when I hemmoraged while talking on the phone to Jim, who felt helpless. I held my little being, so small just beginning to take shape, covered in the molecular tissue that was the death of my baby, somehow I still looked at the tissue as my beautiful baby, she was mine, our little one. I was so sad. I felt like I cried forever. I failed as a mom. I didn't understand what happened. I had 2 flawless pregnancies, now this. I was puzzled with no answers. I was excited to meet you, to love you. In the morning I phoned Jim to tell him I failed, I hadn't protected our little one. I sat on the floor of our pantry. Riley tried to console me, I had to be his mom, pull myself together. But I couldn't. Jager wanted attention, something that I couldn't give him right then. Jim & I did not know the words to say to each other. Days, weeks, months have gone by. I long for my little one. In children stores, I unconsciously go to the pink section. I feel that you would've been my little girl. Secretly, I have since bought a dress for you, excited & I somehow feel better.reality sinks in. I am a mother of 3, just God is helping me raise my little angel, till the day when we will meet. I miss you. I love you. you will always be the little hole in my heart. I will ache for you. Over time I will forget, but for those few months, I was already planning your 1st day of school.To my family, please let me have those faraway moments & tears because I am just spending time with my angel.
This layout I did last night for my friend Marlys. I gave her a photo shoot from Melina as a gift and when I do that I always like to give a few scrapbooked pages so I'm going to do a few more before I give them to her.
Want to see something cool? I've been one of the featured artist's for the last 2 weeks on (this is a huge U.S. based site equivalent to 2peas. So it was like being a garden girl. SWEET! I took a picture of the screen so many times this week, because I am actually on for 5 different layouts. This is huge since they have a layout collection over 300 000 pages. Jim's been hearing me freak out with excitement that my work has been voted on as "favourite & innovational!! Last night my "beautiful friends" layout was picked up.
on the far top right hand side of this photo is my pic. Cool hey???
If you want to see my work on I'm called "scrappaleica". Everyone go submit pages. You get hundreds of truly motivating comments & help. If you become a member, send me an email. I love checking out other people's work!!
On the side is going to be a new place to click to be able to see all the layouts from the challenges. Have fun!


Pam said...

your layout made me cry!!!! maybe becaUSE IT hits so hard to home.
this post was full of sadness and happiness for you.
congrats on you deserve it girl!!!

scrappaleica said...

well Pam, what you read to me on the phone the other night about your experience made me feel sad too. It's these experiences that sure make us realize what we have hey?

jem said...

I could hardly finish your journaling...I cried & I am crying as I write this. I am truly touch by your journaling and I am glad you shared your feelings, your little angel is always watching and loves you.

Julie Cortens said...

tears in my eyes too Leica - beautiful writing about a very sad experience...but we know God heals the hurts and turns our tears into dancing. Wait on the Lord and trust in Him.
Oh My - congratulations! Featured artist on - I am headed there right away!! When do you sleep girl!!

scrappaleica said...

thanks Melina & Julie for the kind words, and Julie I am an insomniac!