Saturday, April 7

Easter Weekend!

I hope everyone is having a great Easter weekend. Unfortunately, we could not go to Edmonton Thursday as planned because Riley all of a sudden was covered neck to toe in a rash. Some of us thought German Measles, or maybe other things so we went to the doctor and he had to have blood work, so we are awaiting the results. I thought it was just hives, but we'll see. So, they have officially banned us from being around Jenn till after she has had her baby, just in case. So for this week we are a bit housebound, as not to infect anyone else. So I thought, let's do some cool things inside. So we have had fun baking, colouring, painting, finding & then hiding only to find again Easter eggs.(this has occupied us for hours, highly recommend the fun) the boys have watched all their favourite shows. especially the Backyardigans. I think this is such a good wholesome show that actually teaches morals and thought process. Jager just dances with this show all the time. Such good music!

The following are layouts I did last night while the boys were sleeping. The first one is my best friends' (of 30 years!!!) family. Aren't they cute! the girls are absolutely terrified of Jager, they always think he is going to bite them. too funny! (melina photo)
this one is the boys little cousin Zack! (melina photo)
this layout is of my friend Marlys, Chris & little Graysen. (melina photo)
here is one about me! I love this look away that I was doing because it allows me to ask this question... I have secret journaling that pulls out to say that I wouldn't change a thing. I want to be right here with my Superstars! (melina perron photo)
now, you are probably getting sick of seeing this photo, but I'll tell you why I have so many copies of the same photo. Every great photo goes in Jim's & my book, each of the boy's books, auntie Jenn's books and then grandparents books. So I try to always come up with lot's of different layouts. when you have great photos to work with , it is easy! (melina photos)
Hope you guys are having a great weekend. Remember, there's more to Easter than just chocolate!


Pam said...

I love the layouts!!!
You never cease to amaze me!
Hope you get out of the house soon and that Riley is okay!

jem said...

Wow! I am impressed with all the great layout and awesome paper that I have not seen yet. Where did you get it? Hope the kids feel better soon.

Aaron, Kate, Will and Wyatt said...

In your "Zachary" LO and in your "Love" LO (for Marlys) further down is that hand doodling, rub ons or is it pattern paper? If it is hand doodling you have to show me how to do that!!!

Anonymous said...

My four year old niece loves backyardigans. When we went for dinner at Montanas she saw a "viking" hat. We were laughing and asked her where she heard about vikings..she informed us from backyardigans. Its amazing how much they can actually learn!

scrappaleica said...

Melina, I got the pink layout for Marlys at Yesterday's Memories (Urban Lily),the blk & wh LO is all from Scrapbooker's Paradise (Imagination Project, the pink on Natalie's LO was from Kelly Pannanci's line at Just Scrap It, same with the Basic Grey was sweet Pea? I think (the baby girl line anyways.) the LO with me & the boys I got at Youngplay Memories in California, (all Rhonna Farrer paper). The

scrappaleica said...

Kate, the Zackary LO is all rub ons or in the pp. In the Love LO it is a mixture of Fancy Pants & Rhonna Farrer stamps. I have very minimal doodling on that page. I do teach a whole bunch of doodling classes, so email me if interested.

scrappaleica said...

brittany, I agree with you completely! Kids are able to pick up and learn things from that show that I wouldn't thought they would have learned. cool hey?